How to Make Video Diaries
You probably have been seeing Teddy Duncan making Video Diaries for her little sister Charlie Duncan. You wanna know how? Okay let me help you.
- Make sure too have a electronic to film your Video Diary
- You have the option to make your Video Diary Public or Private
- Express how you actually feel
- Talk about a certain topic you wanna talk about
- If your sharing it with a certain person (Example: Teddy Duncan sharing her Video Diary to her little sister Charlie Duncan) you have to be careful of what you say.
- Give advice to future you, family member, and friends
- If you sharing it on the internet you have to follow to the app your using Guidelines to follow there directions
Good Luck Sam & Cat Transcript
The crossover starts off at the Duncan house where Teddy walks in the living room with her suitcase packed up
"Hey Teddy why do you have your suitcase packed?" Bob asked
"Are you finally moving out?" Gabe asked
"No I'm going on a road trip. I do plan on bringing 3 of you with." Teddy replies
"Who?" P.J. asked
"You, Gabe and Charlie." Teddy replied
"Sweet I'm included." Charlie says
"Why can't we go?" Bob asked
"Not enough room." Teddy said
"Besides someone has to look after Toby." Gabe says
Toby is crying in the background
"Not it." Amy said
"Dang it!" Bob yelled
"Good luck Bob." Amy said
Bob goes to calm Toby down
"I packed your bags so let's go." Teddy said
"How long will you be gone?" Amy asked
"About a week." Teddy replied
"Behave yourself." Amy said
Good Luck Sam & Cat
Good Luck Sam & Cat is a special fanmade crossover event of Good Luck Charlie and the Nickelodeon series; Sam & Cat.
- 1 Plot (Part 1)
- 2 Plot (Part 2)
- 3 Good Luck Charlie Cast
- 4 Sam & Cat Cast
- 5 Special Guest Cast
- 6 Continuity
- 7 Trivia
- 8 Transcript
The Duncan kids (except Toby) go on a road trip but ends up getting stranded in Venice, Los Angeles. They run into Cat and Nona Valentine. They tell them what happened so Cat lets them stay with her and Sam until their car gets fixed.
Nora returns and teams up with Nevel. They kidnap Cat, Dice, Goomer, Gabe, Charlie, P.J. and Teddy. Sam and Jade have to save them.
- Bridget Mendler as Teddy Duncan
- Jason Dolley as PJ Duncan
- Bradley Steven Perry as Gabe Duncan
- Mia Talerico as Charlie Duncan
- Leigh-Allyn Baker as Amy Duncan (Part…
Good Luck Charlie Comeback
Do you think the show will come back in 2020? It has gotten so popular all over again, and it can give these amazing actors a chance to get "famous" again! Do you think it will make a comeback?
Please I am so desperate! FOLLOW ME! I have been watching this show since it came out! Comment on a post and I will follow you back!
Do you love this show as much as I do?
I don't think you love this show as much as I do, but if you don't think it's true lets do a Q&A!
1. What is Charlie's real name?
2. How old is the TV show?
3. What is the first verse of the intro song?
4. How did Amy tell the family she was pregnant?
Think you can answer these four simple questions create a new post and tag me on it!
Good Luck Charlie
Starring Bridgit Mendler as Teddy Duncan
Leigh-Allyn Baker as Amy Duncan
Bradley Steven Perry as Gabe Duncan
Mia Talerico as Charlie Duncan
With Eric Allan Kramer as Bob Duncan
And Jason Dolley as PJ Duncan
The Duncan family animated
The main characters of Good Luck Charlie animated
- In the Loud House style
Hey! My name is Des and I am a new editor to Spongebob Wikia. I am 16 years old from New Jersey. Some things I enjoy are editing pictures and wikias. I love going on nature walks, I love singing and song writing as well. I am currently writing a book about my experience, I also plan on publishing the book as well. I enjoy filming vlogs, which I also enjoy editing. I own several fanpages on instagram that I edit for. I am also a Pokemon Go player. I love photography a lot. I am in the 11th grade. M birthday is Oct 13 (which past).
I will try to make longer blogs in the future, but I have a heavy school year this year!
Lab Reats:Elite Force and GLC Crossover!
You haven't seen the last of Good Luck Charlie. In an alternate universe to Lab Rats, Kaz (Mighty Med) does online genetic testing, and finds out that Gabe Duncan is his long lost twin brother!
The Bree Chronicles: Welcome Back, Charlie takes of 2 years after the GLC series finale "Goodbye Charlie" This special episode is coming soon.
Also watch The Bree Chronicles on YouTube and my fan made wiki, The Bree Chronicles. The Bree Chronicles is a successor fan series to Lab Rats: Elite Force with main Lab Rats character, Bree Davenport as the main character. It takes place in an alternate universe to Lab Rats. Enjoy
New Wiki
If you like Good Luck Charlie, be sure to join this new wiki I created! You won't regret it!
ANT Farm Wiki
Wow, this wiki is a lot more active than the ANT Farm wiki, even though it ended before.
Scott Stephen Jones
I am so excited about being on this wiki!!!!! Good Luck Charlie is one of my favorite shows. If you ever wanna talk to me then feel free! I love talking to people! Can'twait to start editing!
Andrew Duncan
Andrew Duncan is the cousin of the Duncan kids. He is a very shy kid who loves his cousins a lot.
hello world if u are reading this soccer is my passion ! i eat breathe and sleep soccer u should follow ur dreams and live up to what u are expeted to do for like i always strive for what u belive in ! for me that is soccer and im only 17
Happy Birthday Bridgit!
Happy Birthday Miss Teddy Duncan!
So finally it is 18th December and your Bday is here. I want to wish my Queen a very Happy and Peaceful Birthday. I wish I could meet the whole cast and take an autograph with a photo. You are very cute and talented. I really miss Good Luck Charlie but I have got DVD's of every single season so watch again and again. You were very funny in GLC along with Gabe and Charlie. You are a Sagittarius and I am Virgo. I love Sags.
So celebrate with full joy and Party all day and play my fave song Hurricane. !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why does this wiki have so many fanmade elements?
One day, I was looking at this wiki and saw sentences without spaces, a bit about a nonexistent character, and a poorly-written fake episode article. I would like to know why all this was there.
An honest show
Good Luck Charlie is a gem, a highlight like the old Disney Afternoon shows that comes and goes.
Add Best of Luck Nikki info
Should I add Best of luck nikki info to some glc pages?
In the page Gabe Duncan
- His Best of luck Nikki counterpart was Sunny Singh.
Hi, I'm just a random user in here who loves Good Luck Charlie!
I don't have anything else to say, what about you?
Good Luck Jessie: NYC Christmas
- Plot A. Teddy and P.J. are visiting a college in New York City where they get stuck in a blizzard and meet up with Jessie and Zuri from the hit t.v. show "Jessie".
Plot B. Bob and amy are cooped up for the holidays and are trying to figure out what charlie wants for christmas and goes through a lot of crazy stuff to find out .
Plot C. P.J. is reunited with his ex-girlfriend Skyler who broke up beause her dad got a job offer in new york and Skyler says she is going to Denver College which is a few miles away from the duncan house
Plot D. In the end, Amy and Bob sre thinking who bought Charlie the present she wanted for christmas but it turns out gabe was trying to get charlie the present to be the big brother since teddy and P…
Vintage Week: Cast Throwback Thursday!
Hey everyone! It's the end of a beautiful Thursday and that means it's time for a Vintage Week blog post, throwback themed! :D Here are pictures of the cast when they were young! :D
I hope you enjoyed the Throwback Thursday! :D
Style Baby!
Vintage Blogs are back! (Just for the finale though) Our wiki was ugly. And I mean Ugly. It was really bad. I'm not going to show you a picture but imagine one of those weird wikis that has like nobody on it at all.... no editing at all. A dead wiki. The Good Luck Charlie wiki looked like that becuase we had no skilled artists. It was still Pfmuffinstrike, Jessie1010(But wasn't yet an admin,) and me. Then came along GlitterDisaster a wonderful artist who made our wordmark and found the hex codes for our colors. It was a triumphant design! We still use it today!
An alternate Logo design
Good Luck Charlie & Mighty Med Magazine
MIghty Med Fansite is a fansite made by @BSP_fansite this is a fansite that has the latest news about Mighty Med and the cast of Mighty Med and Good Luck Charlie. They make some amazing stuff i want to show you you can download a Mighty Med Magazine (fanmade) You can download Calendars from the cast and mighty med and they released a I'am Bradley Steven Perry youtube dvd for bradley if you want to check the site go to
Good Luck Charlie magazine is a fan made magazine that comes 1 a month it is made by fans and they search for the latest news about mighty med and the cast you can download the magazine for free on the next link Mighty Med fansite
The fansite has a lot of calendars they made for 2014 it's all with pict…