Good Luck Charlie Wiki
Good Luck Charlie Wiki

Demolition Dabney is the third episode of season 4 of Good Luck Charlie and the eighty-second episode overall. This episode had 2.8 million viewers on its premiere night. The episode was filmed on January 12, 2013.

Plot I[]

As part of her Mama Bird segment for "Good Morning Denver," Amy decides to film Teddy's upcoming alumni interview for her Yale application. Unfortunately, she gets over-involved and makes the whole interview about herself. 

Plot II[]

Gabe develops a crush on the new neighbor, Lauren, until he learns that she is Mrs. Dabney's granddaughter. When Mrs. Dabney learns that Gabe and Lauren like each other, she interferes and tries to keep their relationship from developing. 

Plot III[]

Bob's weight loss changes his image, but he learns from Charlie that his new image may be scary to some of the customers. Because of this, Bob and Vern attempt to rekindle the image of the old Bob. 


Running Gags[]

Good Luck, Charlie[]

Gabe: Can you do that somewhere else? I'm hurting over here.

Teddy: Gabe's a little cranky. He went on a date and had a little mishap.
Gabe: A mishap? I went looking for love and got a face full of Dabney.

Teddy: Wish him good luck, Charlie.


  • Amy started her mommy blog in All Fall Down.
  • Lauren says she's staying with her grandmother and not her grandparents, implying that Mrs. Dabney is still single.
  • The couch bought in the previous episode is seen.
  • Bob's obsession with his weight loss was first brought up in The Charlie Whisperer.
  • PJ mentions throwing Gabe into the air in Snow Show, Part Two.
  • In Teddy's video diary, she says not to do certain things at home such as first dates, sleepovers, and play dates. This was all mentioned in Study Date, Sleepless in Denver, and Bye Bye Video Diary.


  • In season one, Mrs. Dabney mentions that her son, Rodney, is moving out to go to college. Rodney is also her only son. If he is in college, and, her only son, it isn't possible that Mrs. Dabney has a thirteen-year-old granddaughter. It could be possible though that the granddaughter is actually adopted.
  • Teddy says she is class of '18. If she is starting college this September, she should be the class of '17.


Doppel Date
Episodes Next:
Go Teddy!
v - e - d

Good Luck Charlie

Season One
Study Date | Baby Come Back | The Curious Case of Mr. Dabney | Double Whammy | Dance Off
Charlie Did It! | Butt Dialing Duncans | Charlie is 1 | Up a Tree | Take Mel Out to the Ball Game
Boys Meet Girls | Kit and Kaboodle | Teddy's Little Helper | Blankie Go Bye-Bye
Charlie Goes Viral | Duncan's Got Talent | Kwikki Chick | Charlie in Charge | Sleepless in Denver
Girl Bites Dog | Teddy's Broken Heart Club Band | Teddy Rebounds | Pushing Buttons
Snow Show, Part One | Snow Show, Part Two | Driving Mrs. Dabney
Season Two
Charlie is 2! | Something's Fishy | Let's Potty | Appy Days | Duncan vs. Duncan | L.A.R.P. in the Park
Battle of the Bands | The Singin' Dancin' Duncans | Teddy's Bear | Meet the Parents
Gabe's 12-½ Birthday | The Break Up | Charlie Shakes It Up! | Baby's New Shoes | Bye Bye Video Diary
Monkey Business | PJ in the City | Sun Show, Part One | Sun Show, Part Two | Amazing Gracie
Termite Queen | The Bob Duncan Experience | Ditch Day | Alley Oops | Scary Had a Little Lamb
Return to Super Adventure Land | Can You Keep a Secret? | Story Time
It's a Charlie Duncan Thanksgiving| Teddy on Ice
Season Three
Make Room for Baby | Bad Luck, Teddy! | Amy Needs a Shower | Dress Mess | Catch Me If You Can
Name That Baby | Special Delivery | Welcome Home | Baby's First Vacation | Wentz's Weather Girls
Baby Steps | T. Wrecks | Teddy and the Bambino | Team Mom | Le Halloween| Guys & Dolls
Nurse Blankenhooper | The Charlie Whisperer | Study Buddy | A Duncan Christmas | All Fall Down
Season Four
Duncan Dream House | Doppel Date | Demolition Dabney | Go Teddy! | Rock Enroll
The Unusual Suspects | Rat-A-Teddy | Charlie 4, Toby 1 | Futuredrama | Teddy's New Beau
Teddy's Choice | The Bug Prom | Weekend in Vegas | Fright Night | Sister, Sister | Bob's Beau-Be-Gone
Good Luck Jessie NYC Christmas | Accepted | Down a Tree | Good Bye Charlie
Scary Had a Little Lamb | It's a Charlie Duncan Thanksgiving | Good Luck Charlie, It's Christmas!
Charlie Shakes It Up! | Sun Show | Snow Show | Special Delivery | A Duncan Christmas
Good Luck Jessie: NYC Christmas | Good Bye Charlie