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Duncan Dream House is the first episode in Good Luck Charlie Season 4 and the eightieth episode overall. It first aired on April 28, 2013. This episode got approx. 3.9 million views on its premiere night. This is the first episode to feature Logan Moreau as Toby Duncan.


Due to the termite incident, the Duncan family is still living in a hotel. The family is crowded and unhappy as people hog the bathroom, annoy each other and are still wanting to hear the situation of their house. Gabe and Charlie are tired of eating the same old thing, peanut butter sandwiches, and Gabe was not allowed to contact room service, due to being in 'money saving mode', according to Bob. Gabe remarks that since Bob destroyed the house, they have to starve. Bob tries to say it wasn't his fault but to no avail.

Later the Contractor tells them that due to the amount of damage the family has two options: they can either rebuild the old house or tear it down and a build a whole new house. Bob decides that if they're going to rebuild their old house, they should improve it and make it a 'dream house'. Amy wants a dining room, and Bob wants a cool bathroom. They decide to make the house better than the way it was before.

Meanwhile, PJ and Emmett want to move into a new apartment, but they have to be kicked out of their old apartment before they can move due to a contract. They first decide to get a pet to break one of the rules.

Bob decides where everyone gets a room. Bob and Amy think that Teddy's room should be Bob's 'man-cave' or Amy's yoga room. Charlie, meanwhile, decides that her blue Gurgle circle toy doesn't want to leave. Gabe thinks it's weird that Charlie talks to her dolls, but Teddy says she used to do that and it's cute.

Later, Gabe sneaks into a conference, due to the "All You Can Eat Buffet." He then pretends to be an accountant called Ted Johnson with a silent T (pronounced Ed) in order to stay and eat and has no problem convincing the other accountants.

PJ gets a new pet bird, a Myna bird. When their landlord, Bernie, comes up to see about the bird, the bird flies out of the window. He comes inside and is told that they had a pet bird and that they should get kicked out. He doesn't kick them out as he needs visual proof they have a pet.

Charlie tells Teddy she doesn't like the idea of a new house. Charlie and Blue Circle agree to 'save the house'. Blue Circle tells Charlie to make a mess since that's what little kids do best. Charlie throws all of her toys out of a plastic bin. Amy and Teddy try to convince Charlie to enjoy the house but she won’t budge. Teddy says that Yellow Square and Green Star want a new house. Charlie and Blue Circle leave.

Later, at the hotel, Charlie is watching The Muppet Show. Gabe, meanwhile, gets a call for Ted Johnson to go to a meeting. Amy and Bob become suspicious but know that he will get caught by security eventually, so they don't go after him.

After Amy cooks something, Teddy sits down at the old house in the living room, when Kermit the Frog appears. They sing 'Dream House' when Kermit convinces Teddy to stay. With the help of Fozzie Bear, she wants to stay. Meanwhile, Amy and Miss Piggy want to build a new house. Suddenly, Amy thinks she would miss the house as well. Teddy awakens from the dream and tells Charlie that they have to save the house.

Meanwhile, PJ and Emmett dress up like cowboys and have a line dancing party and cabbage stew, two forbidden things in the apartments. Bernie agrees it does sound fun, so he joins the party. PJ and Emmett give up, and dance instead.

Bob finds out what Gabe is up to and wants in. They sit down with their food. Suddenly, Gabe is called on stage, because, his alter ego, Ted is due to make a speech. He wings his way through it and sends Bob up after him. When they have both finished, the real Ted appears, and the manager demands to know who Gabe and Bob are. They leave immediately but not before Bob grabs one final plate of food.

When Teddy tries to talk to her parents about the decision about the house, they say that they want a dream house. Once they get the bill for the new house, they decide to keep the old home.

End Credits[]

Charlie is in the Duncan House reading a book when Kermit and Miss Piggy come up and ask if she likes pigs or frogs better. In the end, she says she likes bears better, which Fozzie Bear enjoys. Miss Piggy gets angry and chases after Charlie.

Memorable Quotes[]

  • Teddy: Gabe, what is your problem?
  • Gabe: I am on the phone.
  • Amy: With who?
  • Gabe: No one. It's just a friend. I'll have the rib-eye steak, medium-rare.
  • Amy: Gabe, I told you. No room service.
  • Gabe: Mom, I'm hungry.
  • Bob: Well, then have a peanut butter sandwich.
  • Gabe: I'm sick of those.
  • Charlie: Me too.

  • Accountant: Hi Ted.
  • Gabe: My name is Ed.
  • Accountant: Your name tag says Ted.
  • Gabe: Oh, the T is silent. That's just the way we say it in Allahassee.

  • Accountant: Aren't you a little young to be an accountant?
  • Gabe: I was a little genius. Out of high school at nine, finished college at eleven, went straight into accounting.
  • Accountant: Oh, well that's strange.
  • Gabe: Why is that strange?
  • Accountant: Most geniuses don't go into accounting.
  • Gabe: I was eleven, what did I know?

  • Teddy: Oh, there you guys are. Um, Mom, Dad, so Charlie was right. We can't build a new house.
  • Gabe: Let me guess, did The Gurgles talk to you too?
  • Teddy: No. The Muppets did. Kermit and Miss Piggy appeared in my dream. They were very persuasive and made some excellent points musically.
  • Bob: Guys, come on. We are not changing our plans based on a talking doll and a dream.
  • Kevin: So with everything you said you wanted, this is how much your new house is gonna cost.
  • Bob: Whoa.
  • Amy: (Gasps)
  • Bob: Um, so what did Kermit say?

Background Information[]

  • "Dream House" is the first song in Season 4.
  • This episode has Charlie's biggest number of lines in the show thus far.
    • This is also the first episode Charlie has a scene to herself.
  • During "Dream House," Kermit hands Teddy a framed picture; it is the same picture as the end of the Season 1 intro (the one difference in the picture is everyone is smiling).
  • This episode was filmed on January 5, 2013.
  • When Kermit says "Hi ho Teddy" (in her dream) it's a reference to how Kermit said "Hi ho, Kermit the Frog here" during his lectures on Sesame Street (mostly during the 80s).

Production Information[]


Season 4 title card

  • The opening credits have been updated and include videos from the fourth season. The final shot of the family has also changed to show the entire family sitting in a giant wagon with Charlie at the front pulling it. The side of the wagon has a logo saying "The Duncans."


  • In both this episode and the previous episode Bob denies that it was his fault for destroying the house even though it was. Teddy, Gabe, and Bob refer to the termite incident, which occurred in the previous episode.
  • Gabe mentions not having a room and Teddy not having a boyfriend which happened in the previous episode.
  • This is the second crossover that the Muppets had, the first being the Muppet Show episode with the stars of Star Wars.
  • This is the second time Charlie doesn't want a new house, the first time was in Make Room for Baby.


  • August 9, 2013 (Disney Channel Australia)






All Fall Down
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Good Luck Charlie

Season One
Study Date | Baby Come Back | The Curious Case of Mr. Dabney | Double Whammy | Dance Off
Charlie Did It! | Butt Dialing Duncans | Charlie is 1 | Up a Tree | Take Mel Out to the Ball Game
Boys Meet Girls | Kit and Kaboodle | Teddy's Little Helper | Blankie Go Bye-Bye
Charlie Goes Viral | Duncan's Got Talent | Kwikki Chick | Charlie in Charge | Sleepless in Denver
Girl Bites Dog | Teddy's Broken Heart Club Band | Teddy Rebounds | Pushing Buttons
Snow Show, Part One | Snow Show, Part Two | Driving Mrs. Dabney
Season Two
Charlie is 2! | Something's Fishy | Let's Potty | Appy Days | Duncan vs. Duncan | L.A.R.P. in the Park
Battle of the Bands | The Singin' Dancin' Duncans | Teddy's Bear | Meet the Parents
Gabe's 12-½ Birthday | The Break Up | Charlie Shakes It Up! | Baby's New Shoes | Bye Bye Video Diary
Monkey Business | PJ in the City | Sun Show, Part One | Sun Show, Part Two | Amazing Gracie
Termite Queen | The Bob Duncan Experience | Ditch Day | Alley Oops | Scary Had a Little Lamb
Return to Super Adventure Land | Can You Keep a Secret? | Story Time
It's a Charlie Duncan Thanksgiving| Teddy on Ice
Season Three
Make Room for Baby | Bad Luck, Teddy! | Amy Needs a Shower | Dress Mess | Catch Me If You Can
Name That Baby | Special Delivery | Welcome Home | Baby's First Vacation | Wentz's Weather Girls
Baby Steps | T. Wrecks | Teddy and the Bambino | Team Mom | Le Halloween| Guys & Dolls
Nurse Blankenhooper | The Charlie Whisperer | Study Buddy | A Duncan Christmas | All Fall Down
Season Four
Duncan Dream House | Doppel Date | Demolition Dabney | Go Teddy! | Rock Enroll
The Unusual Suspects | Rat-A-Teddy | Charlie 4, Toby 1 | Futuredrama | Teddy's New Beau
Teddy's Choice | The Bug Prom | Weekend in Vegas | Fright Night | Sister, Sister | Bob's Beau-Be-Gone
Good Luck Jessie NYC Christmas | Accepted | Down a Tree | Good Bye Charlie
Scary Had a Little Lamb | It's a Charlie Duncan Thanksgiving | Good Luck Charlie, It's Christmas!
Charlie Shakes It Up! | Sun Show | Snow Show | Special Delivery | A Duncan Christmas
Good Luck Jessie: NYC Christmas | Good Bye Charlie