Good Luck Charlie Wiki
Good Luck Charlie Wiki

Who said that?

— Charlie Duncan

Guys & Dolls is the seventeenth episode in Season 3 of Good Luck Charlie and the seventy-third episode overall.

Episode Summary[]

Bob gives advice to Spencer on how to handle an argument with Teddy, but then his talk backfires when Amy hears their whole conversation. Meanwhile, Amy relies on a baby monitor to improve Charlie's relationship with Toby. After a conflict against Bob over a dirty plate, Gabe goes to PJ's apartment and brings his friend Logan with him. But PJ becomes more strict like Bob and starts banning things for Gabe and Logan such as dropping water balloons and playing video games with a high TV volume. After having a nightmare where it relies on what happened today, PJ tries to show his brother and his friend that he is still fun by going to the Duncan household and drawing on Bob's face.

End Credits[]

Teddy was acting like a doll and insulting PJ after his surprise, after PJ hates it and run away, Amy tells her to go back to the store, but Teddy mocked her and said; You're pretty, are you an actress? then Amy said; We'll give it another shot.


The image gallery for Guys & Dolls.

Running Gags[]

Good Luck, Charlie[]

Bob: Oh, man! Wish me good luck, Charlie.

Charlie's Lines[]

Charlie: Gabe!

Charlie: Toby!

Charlie: How do you know? *After Amy tells her that Toby loves her very much* Charlie: He can't talk. *After Amy said that Toby "told" her that he loves Charlie*

  • Amy looks up at the ceiling saying "Or can he?" and then Charlie looks up* What are we looking at?

Who said that?

You can talk?

Yes! *After Amy, pretending to be Toby by talking through the baby monitor in a baby voice, saying that "I" love you very much.

  • Amy walks into the room saying "Hi Charlie."

Charlie: Toby talked!

Amy: Who put Toby's stuffed animals on the porch?

Charlie: Gabe! (Runs into the kitchen)
Gabe: Aw. She pined her first crime on me!
Amy: What am I gonna do about this?
Gabe: About what?
Amy: Charlie. She still doesn't like Toby. This has been going on for months. I thought she'd be over it by now.
Gabe: Mom, some things take time. I mean, I still don't like Charlie, Teddy doesn't like me, PJ doesn't like Teddy. That's what makes us a family.
Amy: Gabe, I wanted this time to be different. After all, Toby's gonna be my last baby.

Gabe: Mhmmm (Disbelieves comment on the last baby)
Amy: Charlie, I bought you a present! (Opens)

Amy: Aww it's a baby isn't it CUTE! Here you go. First what we need to do is name him! Well .. What's a good name for a sweet little baby boy?
Amy : Well... There's Joby Or Koby Or-
Charlie: TOBY!
Amy: See so when Mommy's taking care of my Toby you can take care of your Toby!
Amy:I'm going to pick up my Toby and give him a hug.
Amy: *BABY VOICE* Well hello little Man ooooh Big hugs Yeah *Hugs Toby* Now give your Toby a big hug
Charlie: *Hugs Baby Doll*
Amy: Mommy shoots .. She Scores!* Walks Away*

Charlie: Gets up and throws Baby Doll Away. *Runs Away Laughing*

Memorable Quotes[]

Background Information[]

  • The title references to the Broadway Musical "Guys and Dolls".
  • This is the first time Bob and Amy's whole bedroom was shown. In Special Delivery, only the bed was shown.
  • The original title for the episode was Dolls and Guys.
  • Viewership: 3.662 million

Production Information[]

  • This episode was filmed on February 24, 2012.


  • Gabe plays a prank on his father, even though in Team Mom he says he is done causing trouble.
  • When Toby is "talking" to Charlie, he says that he can talk only to her, but Amy said that Toby told her that he loves Charlie.
  • Charlie says she likes Toby now, but in Charlie 4, Toby 1, Charlie makes a comment about disliking Toby.



  • The title is a reference to the Broadway Musical, "Guys and Dolls".
  • Teddy's doll bullies PJ at the end.


Guest Stars[]


Team Mom
Episodes Next:
Nurse Blankenhooper
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Good Luck Charlie

Season One
Study Date | Baby Come Back | The Curious Case of Mr. Dabney | Double Whammy | Dance Off
Charlie Did It! | Butt Dialing Duncans | Charlie is 1 | Up a Tree | Take Mel Out to the Ball Game
Boys Meet Girls | Kit and Kaboodle | Teddy's Little Helper | Blankie Go Bye-Bye
Charlie Goes Viral | Duncan's Got Talent | Kwikki Chick | Charlie in Charge | Sleepless in Denver
Girl Bites Dog | Teddy's Broken Heart Club Band | Teddy Rebounds | Pushing Buttons
Snow Show, Part One | Snow Show, Part Two | Driving Mrs. Dabney
Season Two
Charlie is 2! | Something's Fishy | Let's Potty | Appy Days | Duncan vs. Duncan | L.A.R.P. in the Park
Battle of the Bands | The Singin' Dancin' Duncans | Teddy's Bear | Meet the Parents
Gabe's 12-½ Birthday | The Break Up | Charlie Shakes It Up! | Baby's New Shoes | Bye Bye Video Diary
Monkey Business | PJ in the City | Sun Show, Part One | Sun Show, Part Two | Amazing Gracie
Termite Queen | The Bob Duncan Experience | Ditch Day | Alley Oops | Scary Had a Little Lamb
Return to Super Adventure Land | Can You Keep a Secret? | Story Time
It's a Charlie Duncan Thanksgiving| Teddy on Ice
Season Three
Make Room for Baby | Bad Luck, Teddy! | Amy Needs a Shower | Dress Mess | Catch Me If You Can
Name That Baby | Special Delivery | Welcome Home | Baby's First Vacation | Wentz's Weather Girls
Baby Steps | T. Wrecks | Teddy and the Bambino | Team Mom | Le Halloween| Guys & Dolls
Nurse Blankenhooper | The Charlie Whisperer | Study Buddy | A Duncan Christmas | All Fall Down
Season Four
Duncan Dream House | Doppel Date | Demolition Dabney | Go Teddy! | Rock Enroll
The Unusual Suspects | Rat-A-Teddy | Charlie 4, Toby 1 | Futuredrama | Teddy's New Beau
Teddy's Choice | The Bug Prom | Weekend in Vegas | Fright Night | Sister, Sister | Bob's Beau-Be-Gone
Good Luck Jessie NYC Christmas | Accepted | Down a Tree | Good Bye Charlie
Scary Had a Little Lamb | It's a Charlie Duncan Thanksgiving | Good Luck Charlie, It's Christmas!
Charlie Shakes It Up! | Sun Show | Snow Show | Special Delivery | A Duncan Christmas
Good Luck Jessie: NYC Christmas | Good Bye Charlie