Good Luck Charlie Wiki
Good Luck Charlie Wiki

Make Room for Baby is the first episode of season 3 of Good Luck Charlie, and the fifty-seventh episode overall.[1] It aired on May 6th, 2012 with also Bad Luck, Teddy! after.

Episode Summary[]

The kids are in the kitchen when Bob calls a family meeting without Amy since it is Amy's pregnancy that is the reason of their meeting. All the kids chip in by saying that they all thought Amy wasn't going to have anymore kids after they were born. Bob explains that Amy is in that phase where she is cranky and therefore, until she lightens up, they have to say yes to everything. When Amy does enter the kitchen, P.J. says yes to everything Amy says literally. He then starts saying no and then blurts out his name is Ralph, Amy is confused by that. When Bob comments that Amy looks great, she tells him to stop talking, and he obliges. Amy then tells Charlie to pick up her toys after breakfast and while she says no, she agrees and goes downstairs, after seeing how angry her mother looked.

Mrs. Dabney comes over to the Duncan House, as it turns out she suspects that the Duncans have been stealing her newspapers. P.J., who has no clue about this, tells Mrs. Dabney that people gets the news on the internet these days, which confuses her because she has never heard of it. After finding out that Bob and Gabe were responsible for stealing her newspapers, Mrs. Dabney asked PJ to tell her more about the Internet. With the fifth and final Duncan child on its way, Amy demands that they need a larger house in order to have more room and not be so crowded. Mrs. Dabney is thrilled by this, even giving Amy a real estate agent's business card and using a confetti popper which she was saving. The boys don't like the idea of moving, especially Bob, Amy does explain that when she thought about getting a pet, she realized they don't have room for a pet or even a baby. Despite this, Bob does tell Amy that he gets that they need more room and will look into it. However, Bob's efforts has him trying to have the baby sleep under the stairs. Unfortunately, Bob drops the baby doll after bumping his head, despite insisting that won't happen. Amy comments that he dropped one once and he'll do it again. P.J. tries to show Amy ways to calm down the baby, however, Amy firmly tells Bob they need a new house. After looking for their new house, Amy surprises the kids of their new home, which greatly shocks them, as the kids now see that the move is serious and don't want to move to a new place, as they love their current house. To make things worse, the kids don't have a say in the matter as Amy didn't consider consulting them about the move. When Amy asks Charlie if she likes it, Charlie says no and runs outside, with Amy chasing her.

Teddy and Spencer are tired of working at Super Adventure land in the sun as they are both sweaty. They decide to audition as to have the opportunity to work in an indoor show at Super Adventure Land, they audition for the George and Martha Washington show as the previous two stars were fired from calling in sick even though they weren't. Unfortunately, only Spencer got the job, and it was said to be really hot the next week, and Martha Washington is Sandy Super, the cute, smart niece of S.A.L.'s founder who has a crush on Spencer and always pretending Teddy doesn't exist. To make matters worse, the new prince is Greasy Joe who runs the tilt-a-whirl and has no teeth. During the show, Teddy showed up as Ben Franklin in order to prevent Sandy from taking Spencer and so she won’t have to do her job with his replacement. After the show, Teddy explains to Spencer her reasons for crashing the show. Spencer gets Teddy’s concerns, but assures her that she is the one for him. They then kiss, which is witnessed by some guests at the park. Due to their display of affection in their costumes, Teddy and Spencer get fired from Super Adventure Land.

Since Gabe is finally leaving, he and Mrs. Dabney pull pranks on each other to see who gets the last laugh. Plus, with the payments of two houses, Bob is getting headaches.

At the end, when the family is almost done packing, but Charlie refuses to pack even after Amy saying they need to, P.J. also admits that he doesn’t want to leave either because of all the memories he has of the house. Amy assured him they’ll make new memories and since the only way to get Charlie to the new house is a pony, Amy gets to work on that. Before leaving, Amy goes back inside because she thought she had forgotten something. When she goes inside, she remembers all of the memories that she and the family had at the house. Realizing that the house is more than just a house, it’s a place of memories, Amy tells Bob that she found what she was looking for as she tells him that they can’t move. Seeing Bob looking confused, Amy tells her husband that she brought all their children at their current house and wants the same for their last child. When the children, minus Gabe, come back inside the house, Bob tells them that they are not moving, much to their happiness. Bob tells the mover to unload their stuff out of the truck as the family is staying at the house. Everyone is happy to hear that Amy changed her mind about moving but Gabe urges them to leave because he pulled a final prank, they soon learn that he covered Mrs. Dabney’s porch and mail with glue.

End Credits[]

Three men that look like Bob, PJ, and Gabe discover an area where they can build an amusement park, they decide what to name it. After a few names, a woman that looks like Teddy comes in and tells them that their partner "Of" is dead, now they only have three words to use, Super, Adventure, and Land.


The image gallery for Make Room for Baby.

Running Gags[]

Good Luck, Charlie.[]

Teddy: Well, Charlie, when somebody packs up the toys and go the new house.
Teddy: We'll you know have days What do you just say Good Luck Charlie?.
Teddy: Well, Charlie, this is it: Our last few moments on Edgewood Drive. I gotta say I'm gonna miss this place.

Bob: Come on, Teddy, let's go.

Teddy: I'll edit that out later. Well, see you at the new house. Good luck, Charlie.
Teddy: Well, Charlie, we're back to being a one-house family.

Amy: A one-home family.
Bob: And we couldn't be happier.
Teddy: I'll edit that out later. Oh, so Spencer and I were fired from Super Adventure Land. Apparently, Ben Franklin kissing George Washington was deemed historically inaccurate. Although they did like each other...a lot.
Gabe: Hey, guys, PJ got his head stuck in the swingset again.
Bob: Okay. I'll get my tools.
Amy: I'll get the butter.

Teddy: There's no place like home. Good luck, Charlie.

Charlie's Lines[]

Charlie: 4!
Charlie: Icky.
Charlie: No! I'm Staying!

Memorable Quotes[]

PJ: I thought you guys were gonna stop after one kid.

Teddy: I was hoping 2.
Gabe: 3!

Charlie: 4!
Amy: Okay, Charlie, the basement is a mess, after breakfast I want you to go downstairs and pick up your toys.

Charlie: No!
Amy: What did you say to me?

Charlie: Yes!
Amy: Charlie, you like your new home don't you?
Charlie: No, Mommy!
PJ: You still get the newspaper? Nowadays most people get their news on the internet.
Mrs. Dabney: The inter-what now?
Amy: What is it?

Bob: It's the baby's new room!
Amy: The baby will be sleeping under the stairs... like Harry Potter.
Bob: Now, Harry Potter. He had some good adventures. (To PJ) Say something good about Harry Potter.

PJ: Quidditch!
Teddy: It's sarcasm, Spencer. Here's another example; You smell delightful!

Spencer: You're a little rank yourself, Cinder-Smella.
Teddy: I'm so glad we got back together.

Spencer: Me, too!
Spencer: Hi. I just got your text. You're moving?

Teddy: Yeah. We are. I'm kinda sad about it. I'm gonna miss this place.
Spencer: Um, well, here's some more bad news. Super Adventure Land called.
Teddy: Oh, and we didn't get it?
Spencer: Actually, you didn't get it.
Teddy: But you did? Oh, but did you tell them that you weren't gonna do the show without me?
Spencer: Well, I was gonna, but it's supposed to be really hot next week, so…
Teddy: Oh great. So I'm stuck kissing a sweaty frog.
Spencer: Pretty much, yeah.
Teddy: So who's playing Martha Washington?
Spencer: Sandy Super.
Teddy: Who?
Spencer: Milt Super's niece. You know, the guy who founded Super Adventure Land.
Teddy: Wait, is Sandy Super that really cute girl who's always staring at you and asking you out and pretending I don't exist?
Spencer: So you do know her.
Teddy: Oh. Well, maybe the new frog will be really cute too.
Spencer: Actually, they're giving that part to the guy who runs the tilt-a-whirl.
Teddy: Greasy Joe?
Spencer: Afraid so.

Teddy: Don't you have to have teeth to play a frog?
Narrator: Many years ago, the founders of Super Adventure Land gathered for a very important meeting.

Bob: Gentlemen, we built this beautiful theme park now all we need is a name.
PJ: I know! We'll call it Land of Adventure Super.
Gabe: Of course you put your name first, Richard Land.
Bob: Well then, what do you suggest, Frank Adventure?
Gabe: Well, something that rolls right off the tongue. Adventure of Super Land.
Bob: That's not bad. Not bad. Let me make one slight adjustment. We'll call it Super Land of Adventure.
Teddy: Gentlemen, terrible news. We just got this telegram. Arthur Of is dead.
PJ: Of's been offed?
Teddy: I'm afraid so.

Bob: With Art Of gone, it's down to just the three of us. Super, Adventure, Land. Betty, put on a pot of coffee. We're gonna be here a while.

Background Information[]

  • This episode aired on (Verizon Fios) On Demand for free watching of the whole episode.
  • The cat poop on the Duncans' lawn is most likely from Kaboodle.
  • This episode got 4.0 million viewers on its premiere night.

Production Information[]

  • This is the second produced episode of Season 3 and aired the same night as "Bad Luck, Teddy!" (produced first), however, this episode aired first and is considered the first episode of the Season.
  • The opening credits have been updated to include scenes from Season 3 however, the final scene of the family wearing the hair pieces remains unchanged. That part of the opening credits does not change until "Welcome Home".


  • When Amy takes a trip down memory lane, one of the clips shown is from the episode "Charlie Is 1".
  • Charlie refuses to leave something from her past, in the episode Sleepless in Denver she refuses to leave her crib. In this episode, she refuses to leave the house.
  • This is the second episode showing Teddy and Spencer as a couple again.

Episode Pranks[]

  • Mrs. Dabney tricks Gabe by sticking hair removal goo in a cap that he ends up wearing. Gabe retaliates by coating her entire balcony with glue causing her to get stuck, then PJ who tries to help her.



  • When Amy thinks of all of the memories she had at their house, she says that "Gabe is such an easy baby, hope he'll always be like this." But it was said in the episode PJ in the City that baby Gabe was a terror. Although, Gabe was only about 1 month old in the flashback, so his terror might not have developed yet.
  • Teddy and Spencer danced flawlessly for their audition, but in the episode Duncan's Got Talent, it was shown that Teddy can't dance. However, it is possible that she learned to dance since then, but it's not likely, as in Name That Baby, Bob mentions that Teddy still can't dance.
  • When Teddy and Spencer are outside on the porch, one moment Teddy's hand is on Spencer's shoulder but when the camera cuts back to them, her hand is in her lap.


Guest Stars[]


Good Luck Charlie, It's Christmas! (Movie)
"Teddy on Ice"
Episodes Next:
"Bad Luck, Teddy!"
v - e - d

Good Luck Charlie

Season One
Study Date | Baby Come Back | The Curious Case of Mr. Dabney | Double Whammy | Dance Off
Charlie Did It! | Butt Dialing Duncans | Charlie is 1 | Up a Tree | Take Mel Out to the Ball Game
Boys Meet Girls | Kit and Kaboodle | Teddy's Little Helper | Blankie Go Bye-Bye
Charlie Goes Viral | Duncan's Got Talent | Kwikki Chick | Charlie in Charge | Sleepless in Denver
Girl Bites Dog | Teddy's Broken Heart Club Band | Teddy Rebounds | Pushing Buttons
Snow Show, Part One | Snow Show, Part Two | Driving Mrs. Dabney
Season Two
Charlie is 2! | Something's Fishy | Let's Potty | Appy Days | Duncan vs. Duncan | L.A.R.P. in the Park
Battle of the Bands | The Singin' Dancin' Duncans | Teddy's Bear | Meet the Parents
Gabe's 12-½ Birthday | The Break Up | Charlie Shakes It Up! | Baby's New Shoes | Bye Bye Video Diary
Monkey Business | PJ in the City | Sun Show, Part One | Sun Show, Part Two | Amazing Gracie
Termite Queen | The Bob Duncan Experience | Ditch Day | Alley Oops | Scary Had a Little Lamb
Return to Super Adventure Land | Can You Keep a Secret? | Story Time
It's a Charlie Duncan Thanksgiving| Teddy on Ice
Season Three
Make Room for Baby | Bad Luck, Teddy! | Amy Needs a Shower | Dress Mess | Catch Me If You Can
Name That Baby | Special Delivery | Welcome Home | Baby's First Vacation | Wentz's Weather Girls
Baby Steps | T. Wrecks | Teddy and the Bambino | Team Mom | Le Halloween| Guys & Dolls
Nurse Blankenhooper | The Charlie Whisperer | Study Buddy | A Duncan Christmas | All Fall Down
Season Four
Duncan Dream House | Doppel Date | Demolition Dabney | Go Teddy! | Rock Enroll
The Unusual Suspects | Rat-A-Teddy | Charlie 4, Toby 1 | Futuredrama | Teddy's New Beau
Teddy's Choice | The Bug Prom | Weekend in Vegas | Fright Night | Sister, Sister | Bob's Beau-Be-Gone
Good Luck Jessie NYC Christmas | Accepted | Down a Tree | Good Bye Charlie
Scary Had a Little Lamb | It's a Charlie Duncan Thanksgiving | Good Luck Charlie, It's Christmas!
Charlie Shakes It Up! | Sun Show | Snow Show | Special Delivery | A Duncan Christmas
Good Luck Jessie: NYC Christmas | Good Bye Charlie