Good Luck Charlie Wiki
Good Luck Charlie Wiki

T. Wrecks is the thirteenth episode of the third season of Good Luck Charlie, and the sixty-ninth episode overall. It was filmed on January 27, 2012 and aired on August 26, 2012.

Episode Summary[]

Teddy gets inspired to sign up for volleyball after attending Spencer's volleyball game. During practice, Coach Hammerstone (Sean O'Bryan) gives her the nickname, T. Wrecks. Unfortunately, Teddy is too nice and has difficulty relating to it. After having a dream that she is treated like a pushover due to her generosity, Teddy takes Hammerstone's advice way too seriously and starts playing volleyball exceptionally aggressively. During a game VS the boys' team, she even breaks Spencer's nose and also of Coach Hammerstone. Meanwhile, Gabe tricks Amy into building his model rocket for his science class. Elsewhere, Bob finds solace at PJ's apartment since the Duncan household has recently been loud and annoying.


The image gallery for T. Wrecks.

Running Gags[]

Good Luck, Charlie[]

Teddy: Okay. Well, consider yourself warned. If you ever allow Mom to help you with a science project...
Amy: Good luck, Charlie.

Memorable Quotes[]

Mr. Hammerstone: From now on, your volleyball name is... T-rex!

Vonnie: Coach likes to give us all fierce dinosaur names. I'm Vonnie, so I'm "Velociraptor", Stephanie's "Stegosaurus", Taylor's "Pterodactyl".
Teddy: But Pterodactyl starts with a "P".

Vonnie: Tell that to the coach. He loves to be corrected!

Charlie's Lines[]

Gabe: So, what do you think?
Charlie: You ruined it!
Charlie: Oh, boy.

Background Information[]

  • This episode marks the first time that Teddy plays a sport.
  • When PJ is welcoming Bob in to his apartment, behind PJ is a Gurgles poster.


  • At the end when Amy and Bob are floating in space, they should have been a lot skinnier since they were floating in space. Plus, they wouldn't be able to talk that clearly. Although it was non canon, so it was imaginary.


  • PJ and Emmett continue to live together in their apartment.


  • The scene where Teddy breaks Spencer's nose by spiking the ball in a volleyball match is a possible allusion to the scene in the movie 16 Wishes in which Abby spikes the ball in a volleyball match and knocks Krista unconscious.


Guest Stars[]


Baby Steps
Episodes Next:
Teddy and the Bambino
v - e - d

Good Luck Charlie

Season One
Study Date | Baby Come Back | The Curious Case of Mr. Dabney | Double Whammy | Dance Off
Charlie Did It! | Butt Dialing Duncans | Charlie is 1 | Up a Tree | Take Mel Out to the Ball Game
Boys Meet Girls | Kit and Kaboodle | Teddy's Little Helper | Blankie Go Bye-Bye
Charlie Goes Viral | Duncan's Got Talent | Kwikki Chick | Charlie in Charge | Sleepless in Denver
Girl Bites Dog | Teddy's Broken Heart Club Band | Teddy Rebounds | Pushing Buttons
Snow Show, Part One | Snow Show, Part Two | Driving Mrs. Dabney
Season Two
Charlie is 2! | Something's Fishy | Let's Potty | Appy Days | Duncan vs. Duncan | L.A.R.P. in the Park
Battle of the Bands | The Singin' Dancin' Duncans | Teddy's Bear | Meet the Parents
Gabe's 12-½ Birthday | The Break Up | Charlie Shakes It Up! | Baby's New Shoes | Bye Bye Video Diary
Monkey Business | PJ in the City | Sun Show, Part One | Sun Show, Part Two | Amazing Gracie
Termite Queen | The Bob Duncan Experience | Ditch Day | Alley Oops | Scary Had a Little Lamb
Return to Super Adventure Land | Can You Keep a Secret? | Story Time
It's a Charlie Duncan Thanksgiving| Teddy on Ice
Season Three
Make Room for Baby | Bad Luck, Teddy! | Amy Needs a Shower | Dress Mess | Catch Me If You Can
Name That Baby | Special Delivery | Welcome Home | Baby's First Vacation | Wentz's Weather Girls
Baby Steps | T. Wrecks | Teddy and the Bambino | Team Mom | Le Halloween| Guys & Dolls
Nurse Blankenhooper | The Charlie Whisperer | Study Buddy | A Duncan Christmas | All Fall Down
Season Four
Duncan Dream House | Doppel Date | Demolition Dabney | Go Teddy! | Rock Enroll
The Unusual Suspects | Rat-A-Teddy | Charlie 4, Toby 1 | Futuredrama | Teddy's New Beau
Teddy's Choice | The Bug Prom | Weekend in Vegas | Fright Night | Sister, Sister | Bob's Beau-Be-Gone
Good Luck Jessie NYC Christmas | Accepted | Down a Tree | Good Bye Charlie
Scary Had a Little Lamb | It's a Charlie Duncan Thanksgiving | Good Luck Charlie, It's Christmas!
Charlie Shakes It Up! | Sun Show | Snow Show | Special Delivery | A Duncan Christmas
Good Luck Jessie: NYC Christmas | Good Bye Charlie