Good Luck Charlie Wiki
Good Luck Charlie Wiki
This article is about the episode. You may be looking for the song.

With the exception of Charlie, Amy deems the rest of the family unfit for a big musical number benefiting the annual hospital gala, so she replaces them. Meanwhile, Teddy suspects Ivy is guilty of something, so she puts her on the stand during a mock trial in class and Gabe ropes PJ into making extra money by selling junk online.

Episode Summary[]

Amy is competing in a benefit for the hospital to beat her rival, Fran Culpepper. When the family proves uncooperative in the rhythmic dancing, Amy hires professional dancers to replace the members of the family except for Charlie. Meanwhile, Teddy's classmate Lynette doesn't invite her to her party but invites Ivy. Later, she finds out Ivy has been making up excuses to go somewhere else. Teddy suspects that Ivy went to the party without her especially since Lynette is being nice to Ivy but Teddy also learned that her father's birthday wasn't yesterday like Ivy said it was. It turns out, Ivy was double dating with Raymond and Spencer but didn't tell her. Teddy gets upset at her best friend for lying to her. When Ivy goes to see her later on, they both promise to stay honest with each other from now on. Also, Gabe and PJ sell "old" junk on the internet to raise money. At first the boys sell small things like Bob's bowling ball, his slippers and his glasses. PJ points out that Bob will find out things are missing but Gabe brushes that off. However when they sell the washer, Bob is suspicious.

End Credits[]

At Teddy's government class, Amy was put on trial for replacing her family. The prosecuting attorney (Teddy) requested the maximum punishment, as well as Amy's attorney, Gabe (because of a time she made him eat all his broccoli). When Teddy said that they were ready for the verdict, Charlie (the judge) says "Guilty Mommy" and bangs her gavel.



The image gallery for The Singin' Dancin' Duncans.

Running Gags[]

Good Luck, Charlie[]

Teddy: Hey, Dad, are they in trouble?

Bob: Oh, yeah. Your brothers are gonna need some good luck, Charlie.

Teddy: True dat.

Charlie's Lines[]

Teddy: Let's show Gabe what you've learned. Charlie, what's the opposite of up?

Charlie: Down.
Teddy: What's the opposite of big?
Charlie: Little.
Teddy: What's the opposite of good?

Charlie: Gabe...!
Charlie: Guilty Mommy!

Memorable Quotes[]

Spencer: Hey, "counselor"! I uh, gotta warn you, my dad's a lawyer, so... I might have an advantage.

Teddy: Oh, yeah, [stuttering] I'm-I'm not afraid, my dad's an exterminator.
Spencer: What does that mean?

Teddy: I'm gonna crush you like a bug!
Gabe: And so do I.

Amy: What are you doing? You're my attorney!

Gabe: Remember the night when you made me eat all my broccoli? Who's laughing now?
PJ: I can't believe how much money we're making selling our old junk online. Gabe: It's easier than taking candy from a baby. And, I mean, I should know. I take candy from Charlie all the time.
Amy: Fake mom, you can go home now.

Gabe: Huh, no way! We love fake mom!
PJ: She cooks, she cleans...
Bob: She even changes diapers.
Amy: ...Diapers? Really?
Fake Mom: [nods]

Amy: Huh... welcome to the family.

Background Information[]

  • Daniel Curtis Lee and Raven Goodwin starred in Ned’s Declassified School Survival Guide and Just Jordan respectively on Nickelodeon’s TEENick block.

Production Information[]

International Premieres[]

  • September 10, 2011 (Disney Channel Poland)


  • The first use of "ba-bam"



  • In "Appy Days", Teddy reveals that Ivy's voice gets high-pitched whenever she lies, but in this episode, her voice doesn't get High-pitched when she lies about her dad's birthday.
  • In "Butt Dialing Duncans", the student named Walter who is picked as Emmett's partner is in PJ's class, but in this episode, he is in Teddy's class.
  • When Ivy hands the strawberry to Teddy, she is holding it differently to when she was holding it before.
  • Ivy says she never had a boyfriend, but in the first season, it was revealed she went out with Emmett before she started dating Raymond.


Main Cast[]

Recurring Cast[]

Guest Cast[]

  • Devika Parikh as Fran Culpepper
  • Tobitha Morella as Lynette
  • Cameron Boyce as Fake Gabe


"Battle of the Bands"
Episodes Next:
"Teddy's Bear"
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Good Luck Charlie

Season One
Study Date | Baby Come Back | The Curious Case of Mr. Dabney | Double Whammy | Dance Off
Charlie Did It! | Butt Dialing Duncans | Charlie is 1 | Up a Tree | Take Mel Out to the Ball Game
Boys Meet Girls | Kit and Kaboodle | Teddy's Little Helper | Blankie Go Bye-Bye
Charlie Goes Viral | Duncan's Got Talent | Kwikki Chick | Charlie in Charge | Sleepless in Denver
Girl Bites Dog | Teddy's Broken Heart Club Band | Teddy Rebounds | Pushing Buttons
Snow Show, Part One | Snow Show, Part Two | Driving Mrs. Dabney
Season Two
Charlie is 2! | Something's Fishy | Let's Potty | Appy Days | Duncan vs. Duncan | L.A.R.P. in the Park
Battle of the Bands | The Singin' Dancin' Duncans | Teddy's Bear | Meet the Parents
Gabe's 12-½ Birthday | The Break Up | Charlie Shakes It Up! | Baby's New Shoes | Bye Bye Video Diary
Monkey Business | PJ in the City | Sun Show, Part One | Sun Show, Part Two | Amazing Gracie
Termite Queen | The Bob Duncan Experience | Ditch Day | Alley Oops | Scary Had a Little Lamb
Return to Super Adventure Land | Can You Keep a Secret? | Story Time
It's a Charlie Duncan Thanksgiving| Teddy on Ice
Season Three
Make Room for Baby | Bad Luck, Teddy! | Amy Needs a Shower | Dress Mess | Catch Me If You Can
Name That Baby | Special Delivery | Welcome Home | Baby's First Vacation | Wentz's Weather Girls
Baby Steps | T. Wrecks | Teddy and the Bambino | Team Mom | Le Halloween| Guys & Dolls
Nurse Blankenhooper | The Charlie Whisperer | Study Buddy | A Duncan Christmas | All Fall Down
Season Four
Duncan Dream House | Doppel Date | Demolition Dabney | Go Teddy! | Rock Enroll
The Unusual Suspects | Rat-A-Teddy | Charlie 4, Toby 1 | Futuredrama | Teddy's New Beau
Teddy's Choice | The Bug Prom | Weekend in Vegas | Fright Night | Sister, Sister | Bob's Beau-Be-Gone
Good Luck Jessie NYC Christmas | Accepted | Down a Tree | Good Bye Charlie
Scary Had a Little Lamb | It's a Charlie Duncan Thanksgiving | Good Luck Charlie, It's Christmas!
Charlie Shakes It Up! | Sun Show | Snow Show | Special Delivery | A Duncan Christmas
Good Luck Jessie: NYC Christmas | Good Bye Charlie